Weekly Problem 1What I'm going to do from now on is a weekly problem and then a solution and a new problem the next week. Anyways here is the one to...
The N Versus NP ProblemIt has been a long time since I last posted, but now I come with a new problem that I recently learned about. As you can imagine it's...
Prime 2.0For along time 1 has not been considered prime nor composite. Definitions: prime - A number which has two factors only, one and itself...
Magic SquaresYou have probably seen magic squares before. Magic squares are squares with in every direction the sum of the numbers is the same. This...
Mathemagical TricksIn this post I decided to change things up a little and right some cool new magic tricks that will surprise your friends! 1,089 Trick Ask...
Christmas ParadoxSanta has 68 hours till Christmas. He asked an elf for a letter that he wrote, and that his editor said it had 13 mistakes. Santa, 2...
DimensionsHave you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a place with a different dimension? Would things constantly stay in place, or would
Fibonacci, and Lucas numbers, PatternsFibonacci and Lucas come on! We're trying to do math here! Learn about the Fibonacci and Lucas numbers!
Sequence possibilitiesWhy is it impossible to know the next number in a sequence with two numbers for you? Ever try. Let's see what happens!